Carrollton Farm was once an empty cow field, but over several years beginning in the 1990's through the 2000's, over 400 were transplanted along the road, the driveway, near the house and in various other places around the farm. All of the Ash trees were transplanted from around the "mother Ash" on the edge of the property, whose seeds blew across part of a field and created a natural nursery of seedling Ash.
The invasive Emerald Ash Borer is expected to kill all Ash trees in North America. In preparation for the die-off (which would make the farm essentially treeless again), 30 young disease-resistant Elms and 175 young Maple trees of mixed variety have been transplanted onto the farm. Right now they are planted in a nursery arrangement until they can grow and gain root strength to be transplanted to their permanent locations. The white tubes protect the young trees from rutting deer, although they have not stopped the deer from nipping off the tasty Maple buds!